What you'll get out of this course

As you work through this course, my hope is that you're going to see the following benefits to your career.

Pinpoint how modern cybersecurity teams are organized and what drives them

How is the team organized? Who are the players? Who does the CISO serve internally, and what are the goals? These questions and more serve as part of the foundation of the security program.

Improve your effectiveness and add value

Gain the skills and knowledge necessary to sell to CISOs more effectively by understanding their needs and building long-term relationships.

Understand how to position your offering in line with the CISO's program

How is the CISO making decisions about their portfolio of tools and services? How does that align with their budget, priorities, and risk posture?

Build your confidence and credibility

Prepare yourself to successfully sell to CISOs and other senior cyber leaders by demonstrating your understanding and expertise in the market

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